Navigate menopause mindfully with meditation

Using research-backed knowledge, tools, and techniques, Wayfinder Meditation helps to create more inclusive, happy, and productive workforces.

Either directly or indirectly, everyone is affected by menopause at some point in their life.

Whether it’s you, a loved one, a colleague or an employee, everyone is affected by the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause. Yet, with a general lack of understanding in the workplace, we’re seeing negative effects such as decreased productivity and higher employee turnover rates.

Drawing from my personal experiences and professional accreditation, my mission is to promote menopause awareness and provide the tools necessary to thrive throughout the journey. Together, we can create an inclusive workplace that supports every individual through these challenges, increasing morale and employer loyalty in the long term.

Let’s challenge outdated stigmas and instead foster a culture that supports women through menopause.

Four-week interactive course: Pause During Menopause.

Delivered through a series of online, interactive sessions, this course is designed to explore the effects of menopause on your mind and body. Discover how meditation serves as a powerful tool for emotional regulation during this phase, helping to navigate the complexities of the menopausal mind. 

Charlotte John, the passion behind Wayfinder Meditation.

My journey with early-onset menopause was challenging, to say the least! But thankfully, I found meditation, which changed everything for me. 

Now, after comprehensive training with the British School of Meditation, I support others on their journey. Plus, with over 20 years of frontline NHS experience and continued work delivering digital programmes within the NHS, I’ve cultivated a deep understanding of the challenges faced by women at work. My course, “Pause During Menopause”, is the perfect blend of lived experience, research-backed knowledge, and professional dedication. 

I finally have a treatment, hallelujah! I really have you to thank for it. Had you not been so open and forthcoming about your own battles with menopause, I would have continued to suffer in silence. Now, I feel relieved and I have a solution. Thank you.

Kris Bee

Secondary School Teacher
Learned so much about menopause as well as meditation, especially on identity and change … definitely will continue with my practice. with menopause, I would have continued to suffer in silence. Now, I feel relieved and I have a solution. Thank you.
Team Member

Sarah Emery

NHS Pediatric Nurse

Choosing Wayfinder Meditation means trusting someone who has lived through the journey and has the expertise to guide an entire workforce through it so everyone benefits.